Laborers Local 639
Located in Marietta Ohio Laborers’ Local 639 proudly serves the jurisdiction of Washington, Monroe, and Morgan Counties. Representing approximately 420 qualified men and women in the Building and Construction trades utilizing and supplying both Building, Heavy Highway and Pipeline Contractors with committed, skilled and experienced laborers to our signatory contractors.
Chartered in July 1, 1946 Local Union 639 is an affiliate of Laborers’ International Union of North America, AFL-CIO in Washington DC. With a membership estimated at 800,000 serving the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. LIUNA celebrated an outstanding “100 years” April 13,2003.
Laborers’ Local 639 is affiliated with the Parkersburg- Marietta Building & Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO.
With ongoing participation Local 639 members attend the Drexel J. Thrash Training Center in Millwood, OH which offers over 75 certified technical classes in the most advantageous programs of our construction industry. A state-of-the-art academic institution it provides a residential campus facility offering and extensive curriculum. Members also has access to training at the Parkersburg – Marietta Constructions and Trades Educational and Development Fund, with 10hr and 30hr OSHA classes and several first -aid and alcohol awareness classes.
Local 639 was the first Laborers’ Local in the state of Ohio to implement a 10 panel drug testing program.

Union Meetings
Local 639 union meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in our union hall.
Retiree Breakfast
Held the first Wednesday of every month,
at the VFW in Marietta at 9:00 am